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Thursday, July 22, 2021

It feels a little like tempting fate . . .

 So, it's 2021. July 22, 2021, to be exact. We have passed the midway point to the year. 2020 is now behind us, and so many people are reticent and/or reluctant to share their opinions and concerns about COVID-19 and the vaccine. 

HOW? HOW? (Breathes) How did we get to a point where our public safety and well-being became a political device used to divide a nation with implications and effects that went beyond our borders? 

At this point, I feel like I am tempting fate. I am not a doctor. I have nothing to do with the CDC, but I respect them, and their information. I trust science, doctors, and the scientific process. I have faith as well. However, even with all these things, having been vaccinated, I also have a child under the age of 12 who cannot get vaccinated. Nothing has changed for my child. My child can still get sick. 

I will readily admit that I am privileged. I have the resources needed to stay at home and to homeschool my children. I am not wanting for anything other than some rain, really. I do not face struggles to survive on a daily basis, and I accept that my opinion may be different if this were not the case. 

However, this all feels too soon. Verbiage like the vaccine should . . . so far it has . . . we believe that . . . coupled with phrases like scientists and doctors are waiting for  . . . signs that a booster MAY be needed . . . we're unsure how long the vaccine will remain effective . . . we believe it to be effective against . . . and finally 7 out of 10 cases are the variant strains have me concerned. What are the signs that they are waiting for? They are waiting to see if more vaccinated people start showing up in hospitals in larger numbers with what they call breakthrough cases. 

How do we get to that point? First, vaccinated people need to resume pre-pandemic activities, without the precautions that we have so strongly clung to for the last 16+ months. The test cannot be conducted, and the results cannot be conclusive if the test subjects do not participate. However, I argue that they have lost control of the experiment and free radicals and variables have been introduced that cannot be fully accounted for, and as such, they are doing the best they can to find out how to get the collective us back to life as we knew it.

We need more people to get vaccinated, and we need those who are not vaccinated to do what is and was working: STAY HOME unless necessary, wear a mask, wash your hands, and avoid touching your face.

One of the biggest things I see is that as the vaccinated have been encouraged to return to life as it was before the pandemic, the un-vaccinated followed suit. This should be a cause for concern. However, I also understand that many of the un-vaccinated never really followed the game plan anyway, at least not where I live.

I get it. I'm tired too. I want to return to the way things were. I want to hug my friends and family, I want to spend time with them indoors. I want to get groceries without wearing a mask. In reality, is it really all that hard to stay the course a little while longer? Staying home unless it is necessary to go out, washing our hands, avoiding touching our face, and wearing a mask is working. Why stop now? The vaccinated can lead by example, but that example has been co-opted and ineffective. It is my humble opinion that it has had an adverse effect and encouraging mask-free and caution-free activities indoors and outside for those who have been fully vaccinated has caused many to throw caution to the wind in the name of freedom, and this will be devastating for us all. 

Therefore, I will resume wearing my mask, and staying home unless it is necessary. This means that my lack of attendance at your event is not out of disrespect for you or the guest of honor, it is because it is the right thing to do for my family. I will continue to keep a 6-feet distance between us if you do not live in my home. This does not mean that I do not like you and do not want to be near you, it is because it is the right thing to do. I will continue my handwashing routine. Well, that's one that needs no explanation. Please wash your hands. After all, it isn't only my child under the age of 12 who isn't vaccinated. And, it isn't only children who are not vaccinated. I wear my mask to show that I care, and I will continue to do so whenever it is necessary beyond this pandemic. Let's make it through this together without leaving masses behind us in our wake. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

I'm Making a comeback!

My friend, Chis ( is hosting the #WIPMAdness for October, and I have decided to get on board. It has been too long, and I need to start being more consistent with my writing, my posting, and my life in general.

So, I have posted my goals for the month of October on her blog, but I will list them again here.

1. Write everyday!
2. Blog on a semi-consistent basis
3. Review and revisit the concepts and assignments from a recent master class that I took
4. Create an outline and maybe note cards for a screenplay I am working on

What are your goals? What is holding you back from making a comeback? Or from starting?

Join #WIPMadness for October, and let the writing commence!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Bring Back the Positive

I recently texted a friend my opinion of the morning's news that floated across the ether and onto my homepage as I sipped my morning coffee. The general opinion being that the morning, afternoon, evening, and in fact all news has become an over sensationalized train wreck of reporting by journalists who seek out not the truth, not the heart, but the tragic. Like all good storytelling it has become a realm where drama is king. Unlike storytelling, however, the story with the most shock value, the most drama, that will garnish the most outrage is the golden chalice that is sought. It isn't about truth, honesty, or real event reporting; now it has become all about telling the story for maximum punch. We'll retract later if we have to.

Over the relatively short period of time I have taken up space on this planet, I have watched people. Common sense left shortly after common courtesy took a long walk off a short peer. Personal responsibility has become a forgotten relic of a time before the "me generation" took a stronghold on the societies of the world. What else is the media supposed to do? They have to call it as they see it, right?

But where are the good stories? Where are the news reports about triumphs? Have we lost the ability to care about the wonderful things that happen in our daily lives; forced to focus on the tragic?

Look at your own situation. How many times do you find yourself giving attention to the tragic things that happen and glossing over the successes, the triumphs, and the just plain happy moments. The good moments should be celebrated over the bad. Yet we don't. Consistently. Don't think that the media has anything to do with this. Really?

Let's experiment. Refuse to give time and energy to the tragic and start celebrating the good. If you can't find the good stories in media land, then tell them yourself. Share them here. Post a link to the story, your blog, or simply post it here in the comments. Then look at your own life, and see if the good news doesn't start to happen at home as well. Your daughter got a 'B' on the test at school. She hit a home run in softball practice. Your son helped pick up the books that tumbled from a neighboring students locker. Let me know what surfaces.

The tragedies of this world will never end. And in order to make change we have to be aware of them as they happen. But change will not happen if we continually focus on the tragic over the good. There must be a balance between the two in order for us to make a difference.

My challenge to you is simple. Start today, start small, and share something positive with your peers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Denise Jaden: MARCH MADNESS IS HERE!!! #wipmadness

Denise Jaden: MARCH MADNESS IS HERE!!! #wipmadness: If you’ve been looking for a challenge to get your writing in gear, you’ve come to the right place! Through the month of March we will be cheering each other on to meet challenging goals with our writing

Thank's again Denise for providing a space for us to all work together during the month of March. 

My goals are:

1) Revise WIP, write intro, and finally graduate from the MFA program I have been working on since 2004 (family really seems to make grad school take longer.)

2) Set a schedule for balancing writing for fun and writing for work.

3) Read more books - 1 per week, minimum.

Good luck to all the Wipsters at March Madness, and come and join us on a fun, exciting and productive month.

 Click here to join the fun!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Things First

Okay, it has been a while since I have posted to this blog, or any of my blogs in particular. (See the busy list in a previous post.) I will tell you this. Things, as always, are in a constant state of flux, and if you're diligent and come back here often, I promise there will be a whole lot more sharing going on in the near future.