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Sunday, April 3, 2011

A New Month - Time For April Showers

We made it to the mad, mad month of March. Thanks to Denise Jaden and crew for the March Madness Writing Challenge for an awesome month of setting goals and working together to achieve them. But just because the month of March has come to an end, our writing and goal setting needn't end as well. We all have personal goals that we have set, and Denise Jaden has extended the invitation to continue to check in at her blog on Mondays throughout the month of April. As we all know, anything that we are working toward is easier to do when you don't feel like you are left alone out in the cold dark night. Having a like-minded community to share your successes, your set backs, and your stresses with helps us all continue on the path toward reaching our goals. Thank you again Denise for encouraging us to continue working with one another.

There are so many ways that we can work together. The internet is full of chat cafes, blog-speheres, community forums, twitter feeds, facebook pages... The list could go on forever. It is important to find a group that fits your style and work together to hold each other accountable and keep each other encouraged and motivated. That is why I am working with Chris this month and beyond to co-write a screenplay for Script Frenzy. The motivation behind  Script Frenzy, like National Novel Writing Month in November, is to get kids and adults writing. The idea is to get behind an premise and simply work on it. Chris has come up with an AWESOME notion that she has titled CEDA. Chris has defined CEDA as Create Every Day in April. In her post she outlines the whys and wherefores, I suggest that you give it a read. It's an awesome idea, and I am 150% behind it. While we are not ready to extend it to a larger community, please don't let that stop you from finding a place to call home. Find a creative partner, a buddy, a community of like-minded individuals and go CREATE SOMETHING every day in April.

As for April showers, I am looking for the rain to gently wash away the snow and make everything fresh and green again. Metaphorically, I am certain that the showers of ideas that will aide me as I work through my goals for the month will help bring about the blooms of May flowers of completed (or growing) works in progress.

I will post my goals for CEDA and for Script Frenzy here in a later post. If you want to know more about my thoughts on either of these, please check back soon or check out my comment over at Chris's Blog.

What are you doing in the month of April? Do you have goals for the month? Are you the type of person who sets goals? Not a goal-setter, how do you feel about the month of April? Is spring in the air? Or are you ready for the rain to wash away the mud and grime and bring us one month closer to summer?

1 comment:

  1. This Chris person sounds cool. Oh, wait--it's me.

    Remember that the C in Create can also be for non writing related projects like sketching out one's garden, or knitting someone's awesome friend something.

    April also brings the first full month of baseball back into our lives. And my Giants are defending World Champs!

    I'm looking forward to warm, but not too warm days.

    And while we might not have prizes or regularly scheduled check ins, Jenn and I welcome others to join with us to do CEDA. We often like to change the rules mid-game. You should see us play CandyPokerly.
